January 03, 2017

Young Alumni Lost in Car Accident

The heartbreaking news reached campus and spread quickly on social media that Darrell Scott, Jr. and Abigail Bohstedt died in a car accident on Aug. 1, 2016, while driving from Chicago to Iowa.

Darrell Scott, Jr.'13 and Abigail Bohstedt'13 Darrell Scott, Jr.’13 and Abigail Bohstedt’13
Both of the class of 2013, they were engaged to be married in the fall. At Beloit, Bohstedt was an energetic contributor to campus life. She served as an Admissions tour guide, sang in the Masterworks Chorus, and participated in Student Congress among other things. Her faculty advisor, Associate Dean Charles Westerberg’94, said that Bohstedt was “conspicuous in the fact that she was liked by everyone.” Originally from Grinnell, Iowa, she went on to work in college admissions, first at Monmouth University and later at Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana.

Scott was a well-connected and beloved member of the Phi Psi fraternity. He was
known for his upbeat attitude and, to many faculty and staff, he was also the helpful voice on the other end of the phone at the IT Help Desk. After studying chemistry at Beloit, he had started a career in the life insurance business in Chicago, his hometown.

Scott’s family requested that memorial gifts be made to the Darrell Scott, Jr., and Abigail Bohstedt Scholarship fund at Beloit College. Donors should make a one-time gift to the Beloiter Fund, designate it toward “scholarships,” and type the couple’s name in the “in memory of” section.

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